Why Held & Free?

When I read this phrase in the book Untamed by Glennon Doyle, I knew this was the name I had been looking for my End of Life Doula practice.

Navigating your own death or the death of a loved one is complex at the best of times. Every death you’ve experienced before this moment, informs how you feel, act, react, and move forward. Emotions often shift and change quickly as you introduce this new reality into your day to day life.

Most people do not enjoy discussing death and avoid it if possible. However, making plans and expressing our wishes is one of the greatest gifts we can give our loved ones left behind.

Held & Free is about empowering you to make end-of-life choices for yourself or your loved one. Held & Free is gentle guidance through difficult days with a roadmap of what the next week might look like. Held & Free is about feeling supported and safe while exploring and looking bravely into the face of uncertainty, knowing someone has your back.

As an End of Life Doula, I want you and your loved ones to feel held and well-supported, with questions responded to judgment-free. If additional support is needed, I have those resources for you. Unsure about the changes you are seeing in your loved one? I will walk you through it. There is freedom in understanding and knowledge. It empowers you and can release fear and uncertainty. I want the person who is nearing the end of their life to feel at peace, and able to gracefully leave this life, knowing all will be well, and that they have been lovingly held and are now free.