Pre-Death Support

Advanced Care Planning & End of Life Decisions

Together we will discuss all the options open to you and determine what is best for you and your current situation. Family is welcome to be a part of this conversation to ensure there is a clear understanding and appreciation for your wishes and decisions.


There are many cases where this is a great option for families. Maybe the primary caretaker needs a break, maybe the family lives away and wants someone to hold the hand of a loved one until they can get there, or maybe you just need to have someone else hold that space for a while. Whatever the reason, connection and companionship always have a place.

Death Meditation

Our mortality can be tough to navigate. Do you have some death anxiety? Through death meditation, we connect and contemplate death in a safe and gentle way. Considering death and digging deeper to explore the emotions it brings, helps reduce anxiety and remind us to fully live.

Death Preparations

Ensuring that loved ones left behind have all the small details to help them manage the practicalities after you are gone. From your Facebook password, location of bank accounts, to the music you would like playing in your room. This exercise helps to gather all the information that we don’t always consider.

Swedish Death Cleaning

Less about planning for death and more about downsizing and passing on items that have meaning to you that you no longer need. This is a wonderful opportunity to express why you chose to give this gift to the person you did, passing on the memory and meaning to them… while leaving less work and stress for those you love when you are gone.

Living Funeral

Also called a pre-funeral, this is a celebration of the life of the person who is dying, but is still able to participate in some capacity. This is a beautiful chance to share what they mean to you and presents the opportunity to say goodbye and offer love and well wishes. Often the tone is less somber than you would think and becomes a delightful and deeply meaningful memory.

Ethical Will & Life Review

An ethical will, sometimes called a legacy letter, goes far beyond physical possessions, it comes from the heart and captures your very essence. Capturing your values, life lessons, and hopes have the power to bring peace of mind to loved ones near and far. They are a beautiful parting gift and ensure everything has been said and thoughtfully passed on.

Grief Support

Loss is hard and it often feels like we should be feeling better far before we actually do. Grief support with a Doula is about ensuring the bereaved are able to express all they are feeling, and process those feelings. Providing a safe, confidential place to chat about your person or your loss without fear of judgment.

Legacy & Meaning-Making

The sky is the limit. A quilt made of Dad’s shirts, Grandma’s voice recorded reading her favourite children’s story, Mom’s fingerprint forever cast in silver for a necklace. Determining what resonates for you and I will create/source the treasures that you will hold onto for a lifetime.

Post-Death Support

Palliative Massage

Often with very ill people, we feel helpless and unsure as to how we can help them. Specialized palliative massage can be performed and/or taught to loved ones to support the relaxation and comfort of the palliative patient. This is a hands-on and tangible way for loved ones to help be a part of the comfort journey, while also receiving the benefits of touch, creating comforting memories, and actively helping their loved one.


Rituals are a precious and impactful way to make meaning out of a difficult situation. This area is rich and there are many possibilities on how to use rituals in support of healing, grief work, and comfort. Rituals are often simple but very powerful and can include all ages.

Storytelling Sessions

A large group, or just a close few, a storytelling session can take place before or after a loss; Gathering for a facilitated storytelling session, sharing memories, tears, and laughter. This is a healing and honest event that allows for a unique emotional release as a family or community.


Vigiling is being present and holding space at the bedside or home during the final hours of a person's life, ensuring they are held through their transition. Sometimes vigiling is done one on one and sometimes it is done with the loved ones present. Gentle guidance is provided to support a peaceful transition experience as possible.

Caregiver Support